Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Kori has spent these last months fighting a massive brain infection.  When it all began the doctor's diagnosed her with viral meningitis. After a long week of fighting this awful illness, she went home to recover.  One week later she took a giant step backwards, feeling nauseous and having seizures.  Over the next 12 hours she was at our local ER, helicoptered to Billings and in brain surgery the next morning to try to find out what was going on.  What they found was several abscesses in her brain that were infected.  The bacteria causing the infection was pseudomonas.  They put her on a rigorous antibiotic treatment, kept her in Billings for a week and then she was home again.  One week later, there was yet another step back as the swelling in her brain from the infection concerned the doctor's enough to fly her to Denver that very day.  They got the swelling under control, adjusted the antibiotic treatment and at this point things are going well.  It seems as if the infection is shrinking and they are monitoring the swelling and seizure risks.  

Kori and her husband, Dave now find themselves at a different stage of worry...an astronomical amount of medical bills will now be coming their way from three different hospitals and multiple ambulance, helicopter and airplane rides.  Kori, like so many, has no health insurance.  Our family is trying to fundraise to help ease the burden of these expenses just a little for them.  We have set up an account for any donations to be made to assist in these expenses.  Through this we have all been amazed and touched by the beautiful outpouring of support from friends and family.  People bringing by food, calling to check in, cards, flowers and lots of prayers. 

Here are the ways you can donate to help Kori and Dave during this time:
1.  There is a benefit account set up at First Interstate Bank.  The account name is "Hope, Love & Funds for Kori"  To make a deposit you can drop it off to any First Interstate branch location or mail it to the bank:
First Interstate Bank

202 West Main St
P.O. Box 6370
Bozeman, MT 59771

Just reference the account name and the bank will get it in the right account
2.  If you prefer to mail directly to myself or Kori, just message me (angelareedjamison@yahoo.com)  and I'll get you the correct address.  Any donations made this way will go directly into the same benefit account.  (Checks made out to Hope, Love & Funds for Kori)
*Please keep in mind that because you are donating to an individual not a charity, all donations are not tax-deductable*
Please feel free to pass this message on to help spread the word.

We are hoping to raise enough to cover their medical costs and any money left over, Kori strongly wants to pass on to another family in a similar situation to pay it forward.
Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and help during this difficult time.

Both Kori and myself have longer versions of this ordeal on our blogs...please click the links to the right to read if you are interested.  

Thank you for your kindess.
Kori, Dave and two of their sons

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